Samsung Galaxy S5 target market has no limit but they specify to teens and adult male and female, between ages 20-40 and 50-65. Samsung was the only company that sold more than 5 million units both in the first and second quarters of 2011, giving them the world's best monitor brand reputation. Samsung performed well in emerging markets such as the Middle East, Africa and Central and South America, showing a strong market share increase in these regions up by 5.2 percentage points from the first quarter to 24.5% in the Middle East and Africa market, and by 4.2 percentage points to 28.9% in the Central and South America market.
- FOCUS ON GENERATING QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE GROWTH to enlarge control in the premium market as well as in the emerging markets.
- STRENGTHEN MARKET SUPREMACY AND INCREASE BRAND VALUE by making a high quality and customer oriented products which meets consumer's expectations and by adopting holistic marketing strategy in its place of individual marketing strategy.
- BUILD STRONG CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS by providing training to the employees on how to deal with the customer in order to gain customer loyalty.
- EXPAND THE SMARTPHONE CONCEPT by developing new multi-functional products that provides more functionality to users.
- Developing brand image and preference
PRODUCT PRICE PLACE PROMOTION by lowering than most models such as Sony or Apple .this pricing strategy proven to be useful because in other countries they are seen as expensive products and Samsung is not which gives them a leverage in sales.

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